Thursday, May 19, 2011

# 5 Using mobile phone while driving

       Each day there is a very shocking car accidents and the reason for these accident is people using their phones while driving. Some people agree to making phones illegal and other people disagree. In this essay I am going to describe the pros and cons for using mobile phones while driving.

There are several agreements of making phones illegal while driving. The first point is unfocused drivers. For example, while talking on the phone you are not focused on driving or on the road. Another point is distraction. If you hear bad news on the phone you might get very angry and you might get distracted. Next, another point is that you don’t know at what speed you are driving. For example, while you are talking on the phone it is easy to drive too fast and you might have an accident.

There are also another disagreements against making phones illegal while driving. The first point is making emergency calls. For example, in case of an emergency you need to use the phone and call for help. Another point is to find a location. If you need to find a place that you are looking for you will use your map application on your phone so you will need to see the screen. Next, another point is businessmen’s important calls. For example, businessmen’s are every busy and sometimes they need to take important business calls from their office.

  In conclusion, I think I agree with making phones illegal while driving because I had an accident last year because I used my phone while I was driving to the college.

# 1 Blocking access to website (argument)

Nowadays, every house in the UAE can access the internet, thanks to technology. But, some people think there are some websites that are very bad sites that can affect people or interrupt our work. Others think it isn’t necessary to block some website. This essay will talk about the pros and cons of Etisalat blocking internet access to websites.

There are several arguments for blocking a website. The first argument is that some good website are blocked without any reason. Here in the UAE there are some good information for the people if they want to know about cars or good vacation places or getting information on their topics. The second argument is freedom to use. Some people when they use their computers especially at college or university students want to get some information they don’t get the whole information because of the blocked website and this might affect their studies.

However, there are many more people agree to block some website. The first point is gaining bad habits. Some websites show some bad things or write some bad words, these words can affect children who might get hurt by these words. The next point is hackers and viruses the reason to block some website is because the hackers and viruses can destroy everything in your computer.

In conclusion, blocking websites or unblocking websites has both advantages and disadvantages. I believe that blocking websites in better than unblocking websites because it will save our computers from viruses and hackers and will save our children from gaining and gaining bad habits.

# 1 Workers coming to Dubai ( line graph)

       The graph shows changes in the number of workers coming to Dubai from both the UK and Canada between 1990 and 2006. Overall, there was a huge increase in the number of workers over the period.

 The biggest change was in the number of the Canadian workers. In 1990 there were almost 11 thousand Canadian workers. After 1992 the number of workers rose sharply. It rose from 15 thousand in 1992 to just under 90 thousand in 2002. But in 2004 it fell to 80 thousand workers however, in 2006 there was a rise to 90 thousand Canadian workers in Dubai.

 The number of UK workers followed slight increases and decreases. Between 1990 and 1994 there was a slight increase in the number of workers from 50 thousand to 70 thousand. But from 1994 to 1998 the numbers start to marginally decrease to 60 thousand. Finally, there is a significant increase in the number of UK workers in the last four years to 90 thousand.

 In conclusion, the number of both UK and Canada workers coincided in number in the year 2006 and in the end the number of workers seems to have stabilized, but it still hard to tell for sure.